Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Spotlight On: The Library Services to Underserved Children and Their Caregivers (ALSC Blog)

ALSC has several process committees and task forces that members have the opportunity to serve on.  The Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee is shining a light on all of these groups to let membership know why these groups were formed, what they are doing now, and how our members can join or show support for the work each group is doing. 

This month, the co-chairs of The Library Services to Underserved Children and Their Caregivers Committee, Joe Prince of Bowling Green State University and Jaime Eastman of the Plano Public Library, were kind enough to respond to some questions about their committee’s work.  

Visit link to below for more information: 


Reminder: 2nd Virtual Fall Sensory Support Group Meeting (November 2020)

Children's Sensory Support Group

Join fellow youth services librarians to share best practices for sensory story times and inclusive library programs and services. We will be discussing community connections, sensory activity ideas, and programs/services beyond story time.


  1. Introductions
  2. A Parent’s Perspective: Ginger Dreier, Guest. Mother of a teenager with ASD shares her personal journey as well as suggestions for libraries to help teens successfully navigate the social component piece– in her opinion, the most important factor towards living an independent life.
  3. Adaptive Umbrella: An Accessibility Workshop: A workshop for librarians, educators, & caregivers working with people who have disabilities
  4. Sharing sensory topic ideas Maria Cotto. (Paw), Kevin Verroneau (WPK) & Edilberta Trejo (SRP)
  5. Others

The Sensory Story Time Support Group is a grassroots community of practice developed and facilitated by Maria Cotto at the Pawtucket Public Library and Lisa Lesinski at the Barrington Public Library, with continued support from Babs Wells at the Greenville Public Library. The Sensory Storytime Support Group seeks to empower youth services librarians to better serve children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families by expanding programming, outreach, partnerships, and resources that welcome all abilities. For more information about the Sensory Story Time Support Group please contact Maria Cotto at mcotto@pawtucketlibrary.org.

Date:Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Time:1:00pm - 3:00pm
Presenter(s):Maria Cotto, Lisa Lesinski
Event Type:OLIS Continuing Education
Categories:  Youth Services   
To register click on the link below: