Thursday, May 21, 2020

12 Novels Featuring Protagonists on the Autism Spectrum (April 2020)

This Autism Awareness month (and every month), it’s important to recognize the need for positive representation in fiction, as well as the amazing impact that neurodiversity has on literature. From alluring love interests to powerful protagonists, novels centering on neurodiverse characters are essential to ensuring proper representation in media. If you’re looking to stock your library with romance, mystery, or adventure, these novels all feature main characters that are either explicitly or implicitly on the autism spectrum.

Here is the link:

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sensory Calm Jar Craft with Mr. Kevin!!

Here's a craft idea with Mr. Kevin, Children's Librarian at the Washington Park Library of the Providence Community Library.

Let's Make a Sensory Calm Jar Craft..... Yay!! 😃👍😁

Thank you Mr. Kevin!!

Here's the link:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Virtual Sensory Story Time with Miss Lisa at the Barrington Public Library (RI)

Here's a virtual sensory story time video for families in the community made by Miss Lisa Children's Head Librarian at the Barrington Public Library.

Thank you Miss Lisa!!

Here's the link:

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Craft Time with Mr. Kevin! from the Washington Park Library (PCL in RI)

Just in time for Mother's Day or Anytime. Learn how to make a simple card with Mr. Kevin!


I can wear a mask! Social Story by Autism Speaks New England Chapter

I can wear a face mask! More and more places are making this mandatory in public. 

Great social story to help you prepare.

Here's the link: #ICanWearAMask #COVID #socialstory #AutismCenter #Autism #AutismSpeaks

Coronavirus Social Story: A Social Narrative for Children by the Autism Little Learners

Check out this social story by Autism Little Learners explaining our current situation for children.
Interpretation by Kimmie Curtis.
Here's the link:
Thank you Autism Little Learners for this great video! Yay!!

Going for a Walk (Visual Story) by the Autism Little Learners

Do you have families who are having a hard time bringing their little ones out for walks because they want to go to the playground and don't understand why they can't go? This short little story might help! 
Here's the link:
Thank you Tara, Speech and Language Pathologist & Autism Little Learners for making this visual story available for families. Yay!! 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Webinar: How to Implement a Sensory Story Time: A Training Session for LIS Students

Please join us for the webinar: How to Implement a Sensory Story Time: A Training Session for LIS Students with Maria Cotto, Bilingual Children's Librarian at Pawtucket Public Library
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2020
Time: 2:30-4:00 pm
This webinar will be a presentation on training LIS students and librarians on how to implement sensory storytime in their libraries.
The webinar will be recorded for a lecture for the new course LSC 511: Critical Disability Studies in LIS, which will launch in 2021. All attendees' questions during this webinar will be recorded and viewed by GSLIS students in future courses. We especially need LIS students to come to the webinar and ask questions, as it will benefit all students who will view this video as a learning guide in future courses.
Closed Captioning will not be available during this live Zoom event, however, it will be available on YouTube after this event is recorded and shared.
Please email Mel at to RSVP and for the password before Thursday, May 14.
Meeting ID: 940 4682 3748
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Dr. Melissa Villa-Nicholas
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
University of Rhode Island
Pronouns: She/Hers

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Create Your Own Playdough at Home with Miss Edilberta!

Thank you Miss Edilberta, Youth Services Specialist at the South Providence Library of PCL (RI) for showing us how to make playdough from home. Yay!! 😃👍😁

Here's the link:

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Puffy Paint with Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby at the Woonsocket Harris Public Library (RI)

Thank you Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby for this cool sensory activity. Yay!! 😃👍😁  

Sensory Play: making puffy paint two ways with Ms. Chris and Ms. Gabby

1st recipe: 1cup shaving cream, 1cup white glue, separate into 3 containers, 3drops food coloring each container

2nd recipe: 1cup flour, 3 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 and a 1/4 cup water, 3 drops food coloring

Mix dry ingredients together then gradually add water until it looks smooth like pancake mix.
Let sit for a few minutes. Separate into 3 containers, add 3 drops food coloring.

Here's the video link below: 

Shape Sun Catchers by Happy Tot Shelf

Here's another great idea to share:

Shape Sun Catchers! Easy to do and lots of fun!

Visit the link below for this activity and more:

Thank you Happy Tot Shelf for this great idea.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sensory Touch Book Craft with Miss Aimee at the Exeter Public Library (RI)

Check out this great sensory activity!!

Sensory Touch Book Craft with Miss Aimee at the Exeter Public Library (RI). Yay!! 😃👍😁

Thank you Miss Aimee!! 😊

May Scavenger Hunt by the Westerly Library & Wilcox Park (RI)

Check out this great outdoors scavenger hunt put together by the Westerly Library & Wilcox Park: 

Thank you Westerly Library & Wilcox Park for this great idea!

Thank you Autism Little Learner & Tara Tuchel, Speech and Language Pathalogist for putting this together. 😃👍😊

Here is a free resource I made for young children. This story is for young children. It can help familiarize them with masks during this time of COVID-19 with a little story about putting a mask on stuffed animals, dolls and toys and playing peek-a-boo with them. It also talks about playing peek-a-boo with family members with a mask. In addition, there is a teddy bear, bunny, doll and car that can be cut out along with a mask to cut out and put on those "toys". There are 5 coloring pages with pictures/scenes with masks being worn. FREE!

12 Months of Sensory Dough by Lemon Lime Adventures

12 Months of Sensory Dough 😃👍

For more ideas visit:

Thank you Miss Tricia, Children's Librarian from the Norwalk Public Library, CT for sharing this fun sensory activity. 😊

Dr. Temple Grandin: Empowering Autistic Individuals be Successful - Webinar

Join Dr. TEMPLE GRANDIN, the World's most Famous and Influential person with Autism and outspoken proponent of Autism Awareness for a very Special Pre-Recorded Webinar on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 at 7.30pm until 8.30pm. FREE!