Please join us for the webinar: How to Implement a Sensory Story Time: A Training Session for LIS Students with Maria Cotto, Bilingual Children's Librarian at Pawtucket Public Library
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2020
Time: 2:30-4:00 pm
This webinar will be a presentation on training LIS students and librarians on how to implement sensory storytime in their libraries.
The webinar will be recorded for a lecture for the new course LSC 511: Critical Disability Studies in LIS, which will launch in 2021. All attendees' questions during this webinar will be recorded and viewed by GSLIS students in future courses. We especially need LIS students to come to the webinar and ask questions, as it will benefit all students who will view this video as a learning guide in future courses.
Closed Captioning will not be available during this live Zoom event, however, it will be available on YouTube after this event is recorded and shared.
Please email Mel at to RSVP and for the password before Thursday, May 14.
Meeting ID: 940 4682 3748
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Dr. Melissa Villa-Nicholas
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
University of Rhode Island
Pronouns: She/Hers